Monday, April 20, 2009

Rhetorical ellipsis

Why ask questions when you don’t expect any answers? Why the silence when you can always tell? If one asks you – When did I lie to you, I have never said anything!?
Isn’t that lying by omission? And when someone says – isn’t that obvious? Do you really need to answer?

Because when one has made a decision- a skill which is very difficult to acquire- that someone has made up his or her mind. No point starting up a confrontation just because you are not satisfied with the situation. You will be in that ‘insatiable’ state no matter what explanation is given. And if I have made my decision, I am not going to lay awake all night just because I need to beef-up some excuses just to put your mind at ease. No! Take it or leave it, that’s your choice.

But then, aren’t we human? No need to answer that! Don’t we have feelings? If I’m cut, wouldn’t I bleed? Do you think that I m so dry that I wont cry? Why is it that sometimes we can be so cruel, that we are oblivious to things around us? At times we are so insensitive that we failed to sense that someone who is so near to us is suffering and is in pain? Emotionally, I mean. How can you totally ignore someone who shares your bed and pillow for years, just because you feel that you have the right? Don’t you ever sit down, think and reflect, that there’s way to get what you want without hurting the other one?

If God permits, who are we to forbid? But isn’t there ‘terms and conditions’ which apply to everything? Giving permission does not mean that you are off the hook! Responsibility remains and you should know that you choose to add the extra burden, you should carry it! Why blame it on someone else when it is you who failed to see that your ambition and capacity are totally against one another!

And please stop begging for another chance when you were given all that you deserved. Aren’t I the monster who destroyed your dreams, shattered your hopes, and ruin your life? Hope you’ll find your paradise – but it is not here- sorry!!! And here I am, ironically, begging…. Please leave me out of your misery, I am not responsible for anything that happened to you, and it wasn’t me who emptied your pocket! God knows! And my parents did not give me this name so that you can use it to cover up for all your wrongdoings!

1 comment:

  1. salam kak...he will never find another 'paradise' like u....he has been given the chance to taste jannah...too bad...he messed it all up....
