Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Melukut di tepi, Basmati dalam Gantang?

Sedar tak sedar, another day passed by. Another complete circle around the sun. Di mana kita? Zaman orang Malaysia menggunakan pepatah 'Melukut di tepi gantang' dah lama berlalu. Teringat ini, while sending short sms to a friend who is so wise, that she can make my day brighter just by sending me a few words! Sekarang istilah apa yang kita guna ye? Apa kelas? Takde Kelas? Tak pasti kalau maknanya sama. Tapi jika seorang yang sangat hebat ilmunya belajar dari seorang yang ilmu nya sikit-sikit je jatuhke tarafnya? But then what can one learn from someone who has no knowledge or wisdom? What? What is it that differentiate antara padi, melukut, beras, then beras perang la. herba ponni la or basmati? Is it the grain? Or the breed? Or the origin?

Boleh ke label manusia macam beras? I remember receiving an email about 'ikan yang mana kita nak pilih'- which I forwarded to friends because I find it interesting... Tapi pada beras kita boleh melihat bentuk dan sifatnya, kita boleh cari perbezaan pada khasiatnya dan kita boleh rasa keenakannya (ikut rasa), boleh ke buat begitu pada manusia? Susah sikitla, boleh juga kalau sanggup... tak dapat gambarkan.

Tapi yang pasti dari bentuk fizikal that is size, skin colour, height, etc, can we differentiate the quality of a person? Or from family background, or...........? Entahlah. Through experience, I learnt that there is no guarantee-(if one came out from the womb of a good woman and fathered by an honourable man- the person can be worse than another who were conceived and delivered by a prostitute who was not even sure which man is the father of the baby )-do forgive me for the bad example. But then life experience can be a cruel teacher-you learnt a lot, no doubt - but you have to suffer before you get the lesson!

Back to the 'gantang'! Itulah perasaanya bila rasa diri ini tak diperlukan lagi, tapi sekarang beras hancur pun mahal tau, buat ketupat atau nasi impit, sedap! Bila tak ada kepentingan pada sesiapa - sesama manusia yang kita kenal pun boleh hilang biasa. Jadi tak biasa.... Kenapa manusia yang punya hanya satu hati sahaja boleh ubah perangai 1001 macam. Orang yang biasa disanjung dan dipuja semasa ada jawatan pun, boleh disepak teranjang bila tak ada kuasa lagi. Tengokla dunia politik kalau tak percaya.

Tapi boleh ke beras melukut berubah menjadi beras basmati?


  1. In our life learning process, we explore, we relate, we compare, so we find similarities and appreciate differences. We begin to find connections between what we already knew and what the new learning reveals.We develop our own perspectives and gain confidence. Finally, it is the journey of all these experience that allow us to function more intelligently in this world.

  2. yes, i do agree with everything you say. only at times, i wonder how some people can get away with things that they do, when they shouldnt do them and when they are not in the position to do so... and how some people can be in denial of their true beings- trying to be someone else! what do we name them?

  3. kita namakan mereka ada alter ego lah tu...dr jekyll n mr hyde....(tak kesah komen pape kan kak? asal hit and post a komen n make u some money...heheheh)
    yelah kak...kdg2 org yg selalu mengular tak penah kena atau tertangkap...bertahun2 buat keje haram,bwk balik nafkah haram...tapi terlepas...tapi ada plak yg first tyme buat...terus kena tangkap...padahal mmg terdesak nak buat...apalah sy merepek...sebenarnya nak ckp ttg wat keje luar masa tyme keje...hehehehe....berbelit jadiknya...

  4. dik, beras basmathi suatu hari akan jadi melukut tapi untuk melukut menjadi basmathi susah. kecuali go back to the past. but we cannot turn back time....
