Tuesday, March 24, 2009

in time or on time?

It is always the time factor! I am late; I am in a hurry; I am trying to beat the deadline; I don’t have enough time, got to rush; see u later, soon, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, second, minute, hour………they are all description of time.

This morning I was listening to radio IKIM – Ustaz Zawawi was preaching about – Signs of Doomsday – The Judgement Days that follow! One of them was - How time becomes so short that it went by unnoticed.
A year feels like a month, a month seems like a week, a week is just like a day, and a day is just like a flicker of light – so small that the flame will die out very fast at any moment. So, what do we compare seconds and minutes and hour to? Nothing! Breathing in and out nowadays is a blessing beyond gratitude.

And in this world of technology, time is so precious- time is money. But no amount of money in this world can buy time. So, here it goes again. I want to learn Arabic, cant find time to slot that agenda in, want to learn ‘tajwid’, when can I start, want to go for my Haj – when will I get my turn, want to do welfare work for the orphan – when to go? And reading articles and writing and going online is actually ‘stealing time” in between here and there. I will have to answer for that. O Allah have mercy on me’

How I praise and look up to the ustaz and ustazah – who are my teachers although none of them knows me but they are in my prayers, insya-Allah. It is the virtual world. I learn most of the things I know (especially –religious matter) from book and through watching Halaqah, Al Kulliyah, Ehwal Islam, Oasis, radio Ikim and the net. Of course I learn all the basics from parents and school and went to learnt Al Quran in primary school – but that was just culture at that time. But then I learnt more through life experience, people around me, the sky, the trees, environment; and I learn a lot from Ustaz Zahazan, Ustaz Zawawi, Ustaz Amin (Muhammad), Dato’Hassan Din, Dr. Sharifah, Datuk Siti NorBahyah, Ustaz Zamri, Ustaz Badlishah, Ustaz Roslan, Ustaz Shukri Ustaz Ir. M Jais and many more….Jazakallah hu khaira. And then I learn through reading from the net. Ustaz Zaharuddin (http://www.zaharuddib.net/), Ustaz Amin (http://www.ustazamin.com/), and many more….

And I don’t know what are we doing with the little time we have. Every time I read Ustaz Amin’s articles I admire his kindness towards the orphans, his good fortune of traveling all over the world, his knowledge, his continuous journey looking for more knowledge and sharing knowledge, his casual ways of sharing; yet sometimes I envy him for everything that he has and does; still I pray that he will continue doing what he is doing and that he will not be blinded or clouded by fame and wealth (if God permits) and pray that there is not even a tiny seed of arrogance in his heart and reading ustaz Zaharuddin I appreciate his wisdom and courage to express the truth. But then if I quote something that I read from Ustaz Zaharuddin’ article which he said he heard from someone

"Orang yang bijaksana, menulis tentang ilmu. Orang cerdik menulis tentang peristiwa. Orang pandai menulis tentang ‘orang lain'. Hanya orang bodoh menulis tentang dirinya sendiri"

I definitely fall into the latter category of people. I am fool! All the people I respect have the same hour as I do 24 per day. Yet they write books, they teach, they study, they research, they manage family, they do this and that and the list goes on.

What am I doing? What time is it?

1 comment:

  1. salam kak...kebetulan pagi2 lepas anto pemaisuri agung dua org tu saya nengok Bersama Ustaz...pagi tadi giliran Ustaz Zahazan Uiam....uish....lancar dan meyakinkan penyampaiannya....terkasima kojap...hehehehhe....TQ kak utk semua peringatan-2 akak kat blog nie...one day u cud turn ur blog into a book taw kak...saya pasti ada peminatnya tersendiri...insyaAllah...
