Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What's up, Doc?

Today had to go to the clinic and get medicine for an ‘itch’ which is difficult to describe. I have this problem… allergy! There would be red spots everywhere – just like I was bitten by millions of mosquitoes – whenever I am too stressed out or when touched by cats! Yeah… the normal cats, be it Persian, Malaysian, Siamese… you name it, if they are cat, that’s it. But I don’t know about Cat woman never had a chance to meet her, so far.

And today there were neither cats nor cat woman around, but the itch appeared. Just my luck! So, the doctor gave me some anti histamine and some advice…. Go home and sleep! The thought of sleeping on weekdays and working days alone helps- so most of the red spots disappeared before I get to sleep! Imagine how the mind can do wonders to your well being. Unfortunately, I didn’t get any chance to sleep once I got back to the office.

The doctor, the prescription and the advice! Sigh! Then I remembered some stories about doctors who are very “highly” educated but couldn’t prescribe anything for your well-being, physically. These doctors didn’t go to any medical school, they learn other things and are “supposed” to be highly intelligent and wise people. They do research, they read a lot, they presented papers, they went to conferences, they write journals, blablabla…. Don’t be offended okay, this apply only to “some” Dr. not all. So, I was told of a Dr. who was unable to differentiate between a cup and a glass, boy and girl, an hour and a minute, up and down, to mention a few. Imagine if your Indonesian maid broke the glass paneled door, what would you do? I wouldn’t mind if you say, you are going to deduct from her salary, you are going to scold her for a month, you are going to send her back home…. But would you asked her to write a show cause letter with ten reasons why she broke the glass, ACCIDENTALLY? Phew! You sure are a reader, an avid one for wanting to read a show cause letter from your Indonesian maid, I am amazed…..

And then, there was occasion when you forget that we apply lipstick on to our lips not the cheek! Didn’t we have something else for that? Blusher… rouge? And if you use lipstick as rouge, shouldn’t it be lightly spread onto the cheekbone instead of a line way over your lips? Maybe it’s a new trend that we are not aware of. That could be the explanation! And if they cant prescribe medicine, they should at least know words of wisdom as prescription for the minds and soul… not to poison but to heal as well. No?!! Guys, are you sure you are not making up the story? I just couldn't imagine this!!! Sure? Tak baik tau.....

Anyway, nothing surprises me, nowadays. Actually, being highly educated, again, does not guarantee wisdom! If one “wants” to be an idiot, he/she can do so with ten PhD to his/her name. A fool does not only refer to a stupid person but to someone who is foolish in action, behaviour, thoughts and reaction to something. At least the Dr. that I mentioned earlier did not take advantage of her position as an educator, a colleague, a friend.

But then again, I do have a wise Dr. friend who is beyond description! Thank you dear friend! I think I’ll sleep now and hopefully the itch would be gone when I wake up later!

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