Thursday, July 16, 2009

where you want to be

Life is a state of flux! If you are still alive definitely you will go through ups and downs, sad and happy moment, calm and chaos, anger and pain, …………
But then a friend told me that she is now in a plateau. Okay, what do I say to that? You are lucky… you don’t have think of anything, coz you have everything. She said she has all she wanted in life. A PhD, performed Haj, bought a house (maybe 2), financially stable…….
But then, I was thinking of the heartbeat and the airplane. Remember the heart machine? The one that detects your heart beat, ECG machine? It should go up and down right? The movement! How does it go?

…./ terd …./ terd…./ terd…./ terd…./ terd (Just imagine the graph moving up, again and again)! Yippeee… you are alive! But imagine the straight line …………………..tooot…………
Oh oooow…… you are history! And an airplane will ascend, up to a certain height then set itself on the level and fly till you reach a destination where it will descend and finally touch down. Okay not going to comment!

Maybe for those who feel that they are in their comfort zone, it is a plateau, having stability and life contentment. Maybe I will get there somewhere, somehow. Not to say that I am not happy with my life now, I am! But my life is still in that state of flux! There’s happy moments, there’s sad moments, there’s frustration, there’s tears, there’s laughter, blab la, bla…. But I am happy with what I have now, and I still hope that I will get all I asked for, and still I will not feel very bad if I don’t get all…. I don’t know. The thing is, I might not have much but I have some, (I m talking about life expectation and wants), if I don’t have extra, I think I have enough.

Don’t despair if you have to go through many challenges in life. Be strong, face them. Eventually, you’ll become stronger and better person. Don’t envy people on their plateau, build your own plateau if you think that is what you want. If not, be happy wherever you are….at the basement, at the ground level, 2nd base, wherever…. I keep on telling myself and those around me, everything is in your mind; you decide where you want to go, how you want to feel and where is your plateau!

As long as your heart beat and as long as your airplane is on the takeoff, you have a long way to go, so plan ahead, be optimist, be realistic, be imaginative, fantasize, do what you can as long as you know your limit and your goal at the final destination….go and strive ahead.

Just don’t be on a platter, where people can feast on you. Be wise and don’t be otherwise. But whatever you are, wherever you are, remember that we are sharing our lives with others directly or indirectly, so, do consider other people as well. Have a nice day!

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