Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Year's work - in just a day!

Well, what do you know, I am the chosen one - to be audited! There goes my day! Where are my files, where are all the letters, memos, minutes, bla bla bla..........
And as usual time flies when you are desperately in need of more. How I wished I have another day to finish up, they are coming tomorrow... definitely I am dead meat! Gosh, what else is coming my way, many times without fail, I would grumble and complaint - but then look! There is always that silver lining in every cloud? Blessing in disguise? Hidden Benefit? What?

Isn't that great? By the end of the day, I had sorted out everything and discovered all the missing things and managed my files and up dated my job specs and........ and...... and........ Oh wow! In just a day, I managed to do so many things. And yet I complaint! There I go again, being an ingrate, what is happening here. Did you lend your heart and brain to someone? Can't you see that God is forever watching you without fail.

In His own generous way, he chooses you among the many so that you ll sit down and do things you have been neglegting for months. There are so many people in the department, yet you had to do it. Why? Because He is making sure that whatever income -you take home and feed your family -is clean and pure, you are entitle to every sen...... that builds up the flesh and blood of your beloved family members, tiada yang syubahah! Masyaallah! Subhanallah!

Then, flashing back... a few weeks ago, I was really buried in work and was so tensed up. I stopped doing what I used to do daily.... reading a few lines of the Holy Quran. And my health was affected.... had bad diarrhea, fainted in the bathroom and was on medical leave for a week. Still, there was no room for complaint because during my absence my duty was taken over by other people and the job was done.... the best part was I got back my daily routine!

Oh God do listen to prayers!!!

1 comment:

  1. salam kak....memang kadang2 doa kita cepat sgt dikabulkan...kadg2 lammmmmmmmbatttttt sgt.....saya memang percaya pada kuasa doa...saya percaya Allah maha mendengar...sebab tu takut sangat kalau terlalai....saya doa setiap hari si hananai dapat masuk asrama..masuk SBP ataw MRSM...dah mac tak dapat2 jugak...rupanya dia sendiri tak doa....dia kata, taknak tinggal mami...taknak tinggal cikgu...hehehehe....kisahnya....

    patutlah doa saya tak makbul...tuan punya badan tak berapa nak pegi rupanya....yelah....nanti dia hilang handphone...hilang keselesaan bilik tido sendiri....MP3....aircond....kena share bathroom...Internet....TV....dan rasanya...ada seseorang yg dia admire kot....heheheheh....
    apapun saya besyukur...Allah kurnia anak mcm dia...tak menyesak kepala setakat ni...paham tanggungjawab dia...ada 10 anak mcm dia pun saya rela...heheheheh
