Friday, March 20, 2009

For all the wrong that you've made right!

What do we say to;
i) vision.
Someone who has very little money but living lavishly like the rich. All the while, managed to do so with the support given by a loving family – understanding spouse who laboured out of love,-(most of the time blindly)-children who sacrificed out of ‘respect’ (not sure if they are sincere) and probably fear. And dreams and visions of becoming rich and to be able to indulge in luxury continue – a never ending quest for material wealth. But the guilt is always there. Saying over and over again, “someday our lives will be better, I will find ways to make it up to all, and provide for the family.” “ We will be rich, I WANT to be rich!”

ii) good intentions

I am going to marry this lady – a divorcee. She is older than me. But she has some businesses and is doing really well. She will give you a car, look at the one I am driving now and she has a few more. And she does not mind if I spend only 2 days a week with her. She is just lonely. You can keep all your salary now and I can even give you some more every month. Our lives will be better! I am doing this for you and our family! Trust me. My love for you will never change, I promise!

iii) execution

This is your car. I have submitted the form. Her son helped me with all the documents plus an extra pay slip from his company. All I need now is for you to say yes in front of the judge!

- so this is just one side of the story. (Sorry, this is not my personal experience – just someone I know)

So, adakah niat menghalalkan cara?

This is just a scenario. In business, politic, everywhere I see people doing things they ‘considered’ right as long as they get what they want!


  1. salam...donno how to comment...perhaps he is one lucky lavishly,cars and businesses,two wives....but is he happy?will he be happy?and will he continue to stay happy? Will guilt haunt him later? and what about the first wife?wont she curse him everyday for 'honeying' (madu...hehehehe)her with another lady?Will a car make her happy now that she will have to share the husband with a wealthy stranger? of course Santa said that sharing is caring...hehehehehbut...alahai...a car is just a tool to take u from point A to Point B....entahlah....

  2. everything can be made as tool. even you and me can function as tools somewhere, someday! For whatever reason, whoever for, who knows!

  3. u can try to write a drama script(after ur project paper is done that is)out of this story lah kak...mesti menarik...the older woman is the 'tool' for gaining wealth ....the man is the 'tool' to avoid loneliness...but surely it involves love...can a man marry a lady out of greed (RM...RM...RM...) and wake up in the morning not feeling like a bohjan?
    and how old is old? cant the wealthy lady be blame for destroying another woman's marriage?dah tahu dia ada bini...wat pe nak bujang kan ramai...nauzubillah...jgn kita terkahwin dgn laki org....

  4. But then lelaki acuan Al-Quran will never do this. An ustaz once said to me- it is ok if a single woman offer to be the second wife if she finds a "GOOD" man in every sense- for now and after-But then they are rare species.

  5. and sadly i have never met any! Except for those I've read about or listened to fr the radio or watched on tv. None has ever crossed my path!

  6. they never cross ur path because God knows better that u can never concentrate on ur work if u find him...hehehehhe.....saya rasa ada tu....akak je belum jumpa...esok lusa adalah tu...kalau dah jodoh....jangan risaw...kan ke akak jugak yg mengingatkan saya...our lives r predetermined...semua terjadi ada hikmahnya...
