Sunday, March 8, 2009

Writer's Block and Confused Mind

It is kind of funny when you have so many things to say but you dont know how to express the feelings, ideas and opinions. Everything seemed to be jumbled up or tangled. And in the end, you stop and just give up. That is what I am going through now. Baca lagi, baca lagi, tapi macamana nak luahkan ye? Susahnya, memulakan sebaris ayat bagi penulisan ilmiah, sama macam tiada apa yang boleh diluahkan walaupun kajian dan research has been going on for almost two years and collection of materials would probably be enough to fill up one thousand page of report. So is that what they call writer's block or my mind is just too confused with the many things I've learnt and the many things that cropped up just because I am still alive and going through normal routines and problems in life. How does one managed to take things easy and lead a happy life and publish books and write and work and do all, without fail, when every tiny things disturbed me and caused me to lose concentration. Tak boleh fokus. Peningnya!

So, my students can't really rely on me for help. I am a hopeless person. Susahnya mendidik diri sendiri. Bagaimana nak mendidik orang lain. Dan bagaimana dengan penggunaan bahasa rojak ni? Sekejap english sekejap bm. Salah ke? Kalau nak guna dua-dua boleh tak? Tapi menggunakan bahasa yang betul bagi kedua-duanya, mungkin bolehkan. Apa yang silap adalah menggunakan bahasa tapi tidak berbahasa. I m not sure about any of these. My problem now is how do I put aside other problems and focus on what I am supposed to do, that is writing my project paper which has been neglected for more than three months.

Trying to concrentrate seems to be the hardest thing...... and forcing myself to write end up in bad headache and gastritis. Well, I am not going to force myself anymore. Forget about the report. Somehow, I know, God will help me... somehow. Dia yang Maha Mengerti dan Mengetahui betapa lemahnya jiwa ini. Aduhai!

Bagaimana agaknya pelajar-pelajar menghadapi kerja-kerja kursus mereka ye.


  1. well. friends who tried to help maybe you can try now

  2. cuba test and try, again dan lagi.....he he

  3. dah try banyak kali sgt dah....frust tahap dewa dah tak dapek nak post nie...sejak rabu lepas lg...huhuhu

  4. eh...boleh plak post...heheheh

  5. salam kak...subhanallah...byk tol benda terjadi kat akak...saya ingat akak dah lupa kat saya...upa2nya akak siap accidentlah...pengsan lah...macam-2...n ur project paper camana? nampaknya akak nie org quali agaknya....takpe next tyme u do quali research lah ek...saya mcm-2 nak post komen tp dah dokek seminggu tak dpt post...line tak bagus lah pakai brodben celkom nie....huhuhuhu
    saya bagitaw dr jane....Dr kidin tu Basmati, dia siam wangi...saya super tempatan je...hehehehe

  6. procastination is the thief of tyme.saje jer type...ambik kat buku kawan tadi...hehehehhe

  7. hello...hello...mana sara lama tak blog nie....
