Monday, March 23, 2009

of crocodiles and step mother

Remember the old Malay movie-Ratapan Anak Tiri? Remember the cruel, wicked, mean, heartless step mother? That was how the society (during that period) depicted a step mother. Someone who has no good intention for the children from the husband's previous marriage. All that she wanted was a husband. And remember the children in the movie? Those were the days.... when children were helpless creatures, unable to defend themselves, very easily manipulated, vulnerable beings who can only cry out of pain and fear. And the step mother was not just evil in nature, she was also a wanton, never a loyal wife to the husband. Why do I have to recall all this? Because I think if someone starts nicknaming you as "Step Mother" - that is an insult to the extreme! But we dont simply label people when they have proper names - unless they deserved to be labeled! Another thing, are we like the chidren of those days? Can we tolerate being bullied, ordered around like slaves or treated like garbage? But then what did we do about all this bullying, ill treatment, disrespectful behaviour?

What about crocodiles? There is nothing wrong being a crocodile if you are hatched out of a crocodile's egg and live in the river. It is the traits of a crocodile to bask under the sun, mouth wide open, jaw agap, or swimming or submerge under water waiting for the right moment to attack and kill. They feed on carcasses, wood, plastic, anything and everything! So, locally the term crocodile is used to describe men with 'specific' (I think) nature.

How do you respond to the remark made by someone?......

"You should see how easily swayed the step mum is by compliments made by the buaya men!"

There will come 'the day' when everyone has to answer for everything they do, good or bad!
O Allah, forgive us for all our sins, amin!


  1. salam kak...tolong translate ke BM "You should see how easily swayed the step mum is by compliments made by the buaya men!" saya nak mendalami dan menghayati...pastu insyaAllah leh la saya mengrespondkan...heehheeh

    why step mum?bukankah step mum zaman ini lebih baik 100 kali dari ibu kandung(maaf ini pendapat peribadi) sebab ibu tiri skrg ni nak jaga kedudukannya di dalam keluarga 'baru'nya....Dulu2....mak tiri si Bawang Merah punyalah kejam, mana bapak dia tahu...skrg...berani nak wat gitu.. ? hmmmm....alamat kena terajang dan hilang segala kesenangan...anak-2 ada pengaruh yg besar zaman skrg...Pendapat individu je...heheheh

  2. That was what i said kan... the society those days... not now. I myself know a few step mums who are great mums. About defining that one.... tanya akak kita. she sms me that while attending a meeting with...! I replied saying, "Only crocodiles fall for crocodiles, she is probably sending Pheromones"(Something like that) Malas nak elaborate. Semoga Allah mengampuni dia dan semua mereka... dan kami yang berdosa makan daging sesama manusia... masyaallah, nauzubillah, astagfirullahalazim. when will it be when i pause, stop, reflect myself rather than judging others. Pray for me.
