Wednesday, March 25, 2009


There was a young man who had a very bad temper. He couldn’t control his anger although over a very small matter. One day, his father gave him a sack of nails.
”Father, what should I do with all the nails?” asked the young man.

“Every time you get angry, just go to the brick wall in front of the house and hammer the nails into the wall, to release your anger,” replied the father.

On the first day alone, he had 37 nails to the wall. After a few weeks he managed to control his anger and the number of nails that he used decreased. And he realised that controlling his anger was much more easier than hammering nails into the wall. And then finally, one day, when he did not get angry, not even once, he went to see his father to announced it happily.

His father congratulated him and asked him to pull out the nail one by one, for everyday that he managed not to get angry. Days went by and eventually, he had pulled out all the nails from the wall. Proudly, he went to his father and informed him.

The father took him by the hand and walked with him to the brick wall and said:-

“ You did it, my son, extremely well, but look at all the holes left on the wall. The wall does not looked the same as it was before. When you said or did something in anger, it hurt and left behind it a scar, just like this. You can stab someone with a knife and kill him, but remember that, it doesn’t matter how many times you apologize and regret your action, the cut will be there. A broken heart is worse than a broken hand.”

True friends are rare gemstones. They make you laugh, cheer your days, share your sorrows, they motivate and help you to achieve success. Friends are also good listeners who open up their hearts for you.

Please forgive me, if ever, I had hit a nail and left a hole on the wall of your heart.

I got this in my email a long time ago, cant remember when. Just thought of sharing as well. There are times when we take things for granted and failed to see that those who are close to us are the ones who are always hurt by our actions.

One of Dr. Aidh Bin Abdullah Al Qarni’s words of wisdom:

“Kegembiraan itu membutuhkan rasa aman, harta juga memerlukan sedekah, kedudukan memerlukan dukungan, dan kemuliaan memerlukan kerendahan hati.”

Semoga apa saja yang kita lakukan adalah kerana Allah semata-mata. Dan buat sahabatku dan sesiapa saja yang sedang menghadapi ujian di luar sana, percayalah bukan anda sahaja di uji dan percayalah bahawa Allah menguji untuk memberikan kita sesuatu yang lebih baik. Katakanlah, “INNALILLAHIWAINNAILAIHIRAJIUN”. (Mengingatkan diri sendiri juga). Semoga Allah Redha dengan kita. Baru habis dengar Usrah Rasa Hati (Hati yang mati) di radio Ikim. Dan semoga juga hati kita hidup selamanya!

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