Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sudikah puan melamar saya?

Talking about attraction. How opposite attracts. So what if you are attracted to someone who is already married. Wishing and hoping to meet someone who fulfilled all your criteria of Mr. Right! Finally, after being ‘not very’ young, you did. But, unfortunately he is no longer single. He has a wife who has everything a man wants for a life partner. But then you have to be bold right! Time and tide waits for no man and thinking you’ve got nothing to lose, you ‘exposed’ your feelings to him.

And what was his reaction. He sure is a gentleman. Saying that he is happily married and never had any intention of breaking his wife’s heart because he truly loves her. However, he says he doesn’t mind taking a second wife, if you go and approach his wife yourself and explain and get her approval. He is not interested in an affair and he doesn’t believe in dating outside wedlock. Wow, he definitely is the right man. And then one day he passed by you and said, “ I told my wife, you said you like me a lot and you don’t mind being married to me, why don’t you go and tell her your feelings!”. Then he gave you a piece of paper with his home address on it.

Double wow, wow! Stunned and speechless! What would you do, what should you do? And your heart forgot to pump blood in, blood out! It stopped for one complete second!!!
…… oh my. Oh my, should you or shouldn’t you? This needs the courage of 10 Hercules, one really strong heart ( a weak one would probably mean….. RIP for you, if you are lucky enough to have the ‘peace’), skin as thick as a 100-year old hippopotamus, a pair of really strong legs to support the other parts of the body and one really-really “selamba” face!

And how would you address her? Kak, Puan, by name, Madam? And how would you start? Emm…… emmm…. Will you marry me… to your husband? Fuuyooo…. Mak oii seramnya! Lets just imagine this……
Puan, saya….. (introducing yourself). Saya jumpa puan ni sebab saya berkenan sangat-sangat dengan suami puan tu. Saya rasa dialah lelaki idaman yang…. yang saya tunggu-tunggu selama ini. Bolehkah puan izinkan saya berkahwin dengan dia? Puan jangan bimbang sebab saya belum pernah bercinta dengan suami puan, keluar minum air masak pun tak pernah. Nombor handphone saya pun dia tak tahu. Tapi hari tu, saya yang jumpa dia dan cakap saya suka kat dia. So, dia suruh saya datang sendiri jumpa puan. Dia yang bagi alamat ni.
Kalau puan izinkan, sayalah orang yang paling gembira dalam dunia ni. Saya janji saya akan jadi isteri yang baik, saya tak akan rampas hak puan. Saya janji saya hanya akan minta apa yang berhak diminta sahaja. Saya juga akan pastikan suami puan berlaku adil kepada puan dan saya.
Boleh ke….. puan?!!!

Amacam…. Ada berani ke? Why not? If you really find a man who is that great, he would probably have a great wife too, who is intelligent, wise and understanding! Because I believe that a wife…should be ‘moulded’ by the husband. What he believes in, how he sees things, the way he thinks! And if he has fulfilled his responsibility as a husband, he has the right to ‘expand’ his empire… provided, he has the ‘power’ to do so, in all aspects of marriage. But….. if I am the one, sorry, I would rather die single than go and seek permission from the wife. My man, you HAVE to do that for me!!! Ngeriiii….!!! FATAL ATTRACTION sudahnya!!!

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