Saturday, June 6, 2009

If only I could see…..

I was thinking of what is it that gives us the idea that someone likes us. Is it just us- ‘perasan’? How do you tell? Let say – if a person calls you maybe once a week just to say hello. Saying that he was thinking of you so he called. He asks how are you doing and tells you to take care. Maybe nothing, because it is only once a week. What if the two of you are actually working in the same place, maybe not in the same office but in the same company. And he seems to be looking for excuses just to call your department and asks for you to ask about something that anyone from your department would be able to answer. And what if he makes it a point to remind you of anything that would bring your memory back to the occasion or event – held by the company where the two of you had to do something together. And what if he goes anywhere outstation, he would bring back or buy something for you?

Oh… dear! Is it just a woman’s imagination, thinking that …… he likes me , yeah, yeah, yeah! I am not sure! But sometimes, we wonder, is he like that with everyone else? Maybe! And if we like someone, is it obvious in our action, behaviour or body language? Can anyone guess that we have a special interest in someone? Could a man sense if a woman likes him? Is it embarrassing if he knows? Or could it be that the man knows that ‘this lady’ likes me. So, why not, I try? What if he is a married man?

Is it okay if a person doesn’t have any interest in you but somehow leads you on, thinking and believing that he cares? Your assumption could be wrong but all his actions display affection towards you. Is it okay to ask? What if he says,”no, I just like you more than anyone else but that is all.”….the thought of rejection! Being rejected is bad!!! Really bad. There goes your pride and dignity! Where to hide? Should one go for a total makeover, plastic surgery, immigrate, apply for transfer, change gender? (the last one is too much, I think!) What do we do? Imagine if we can see through someone? We can read people’s minds? Oh….oh… wrong imagination! I don’t think that is a good thought! Knowing what is/are in the minds of other people is not good. ( you can start thinking yourselves)

But it is an agony not to know… where we stand in a relationship! It is complicated, confusing, and at times painful. If only we can just see our place in their hearts and in their lives. Couldn’t they just send us the right signals and not try to mislead or confuse us?

Remember the Malay pantun?

Kalau padi katalah padi,
Tidaklah saya tertampi-tampi.
Kalau sudi katalah sudi,
Tidaklah saya ternanti-nanti.

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