Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A thought at the end of the year

Sedar tak sedar hari ni dah 1 disember. Cepatnya masa berlalu tahun 2010 hampir berakhir. Dunia akhir zaman, apalah 24 jam sehari kalau dua belas bulan berlau dengan begitu pantas. Begitulah maksudnya usia kita menjangkau tua begitu pantas. Pejam-celik,pejam-celik dah begitu hampir 2011…..11 tahun dalam abad baru….apa yang telah kita buat, apa yang kita dapat???

Persoalan yang muncul setiap kali bayangan tahun baru muncul adalah azam. Apa azam tahun baru? Dan tahun baru hijrah sebenarnya sangat-sangat hampir hanya 6 hari sahaja lagi….lalu apa pula azam tahun baru hijrah ini? Kita rasa apapun azam yang kita ada untuk tahun yang hanya berupa jangkaan masa depan yang belum pasti berlaku…..adakah kita telah membuat refleksi tentang apa yang telah kita capai dan lakukan sepanjang tahun ini…yang tinggal hanya beberapa hari sahaja lagi?

Reflection…..reflective practice! Funny to me somehow, because I've been listening to this term for almost two weeks now. But do we practise reflection in everything we do? Muhasabah? Muraqabah? Thinking, pondering, musing…….what??? Internal, external…luar, dalam? Apa? Apa yang perlu direnungi, apa yang perlu dikaji semula..semuanya juga sangat penting. Nak buat refleksi apa sebenarnya? Mengapa perlu buat refleksi? Lebih baik buat azam sahaja.

But I truly believe reflection/muhasabah…whatever you call it…is a very important 'action'…to improve conditions, to identify failures, to find remedy, to think of ways to enhance….

1 comment:

  1. I'm not a Medical DoctorDecember 14, 2010 at 10:54 AM

    To be a reflective practitioner is to think about what has happened and mull over what could have been, if such and such was done instead of what was actually carried out. Would you do it this way again? What could be added what could be dropped. There were factors and criteria that you might want to consider.The same thing applies if you are a reflective individual. It is a practice that improve your mental faculty, your well-being, your perspective about people, life and so on... you might want to act upon the issue or you might to straighten things out. You could just choose to mull over the idea without acting upon it but bottom line is, it teach us about something, about people about you... You might react differently then ... than now.. Sometimes it is just thinking about your 'fitrah' and accepting things and 'redha' nothing happens externally, the world still goes on as it is BUT no somethings changed internally something clicked deep inside you. You look at things introspectively and you praise ALLAH and finally you can tell yourself thank you ALLAH this is what it is all about. I didn't realise it than but now I do and that is a reflection ...
